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Dave. Bass Guitar


I have always liked music, particularly blues, and was a regular listener of Mike Raven Blues Show as well as John Peel in the early days.  Like most of us I went to concerts at school and college.

Later whilst meandering through a mid life crisis extending for some time and as extensive as the Central Asian Steppes I espied a bass guitar and thought this is for me!  Now I needed a band to practice with (or on perhaps?)

Having seen an advert for Mu3ac I phoned Mike and had a "come along response" and I went to my first Mu3ac rehearsal; I'll never forget those first rehearsals, several times I had to resist the temptation to use my bass to start the BBQ, but with the patience and support of the group and some informal one to ones (you know who you are and many thanks for all your time) I think I am now getting somewhere.

We are now on our way to our 4th gig having raised getting on towards a £1000 for various good causes, no mean achievement!!

Mu3ac has been together now for round about 2 years and has been a massive blessing to the local music shops and wives and partners who need a bit of peace and quiet.


Long may it continue.

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